In class writing- Scott's workshop

Story of a Dull Night With Friends 

Setting: Purple Rain, Capitol Way, Liz's room

Time: Mid-Evening

Characters: Natalie, Amanda, Liz

Amanda: I feel like watching some t.v.

Natalie: Yeah, me too. Maybe the Hills is on.

Liz: Yes! Sweet...there is a new episode.

(turn on T.V., start to situate bodies on bed)

A: Not in the middle!

N: I'm always in the middle.

L: That's because your size is elven like and it works well between us two little lady.

A: The show isn't on, but Dog the Bounty is.

N: Gotta love Dog.

L: I'm not into it.  Wait...murder myster, Court T.V. Lets see what it's about.

A: No, these are kinda boring to me.

N: I like em'.

L: Ok then, how about Top Chef?

N & A: Ok-sure

(phone rings)

L: Amanda, your phone.

A: Will you hand it to me?

(phone to Amanda)

Amanda on phone,( her tone is nonchalant and relaxed):

Heeey.....what's going on? Just chillan' at Purple Rain.  Sweet.  Um...watching T.V. trying to figure out plans for the night.  A party?  Where? Hm.....sounds sketchy.  Well, let me talk it over with my girls and I'll call ya back.  Bye Bye

L: Who was it?

A: Tyle

N: What'd he want?

A: He wanted to see what we were up to.  He said there is a party downtown and it has a theme.

N: What's the theme?

Submitted by Liz on Sat, 10/20/2007 - 11:53am. Liz's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version